Thursday, March 3, 2022

Book Review - The Paris Apartment; Lucy Foley


William Morrow - 2022

I haven't had a lot of luck with this author in the past but, I was really looking forward to this one as the setting appealed to me.

The Paris Apartment opens with Jess leaving London hoping to regroup. She has no job and no money and hopes to spend some time with her half-brother Ben in his Paris apartment. Ben doesn't seem overly excited for Jess to visit but, the two have remained somewhat close despite growing up apart after their mother died when they were young.  Jess definitely drew the short end of the stick shuffled between different foster home settings while Ben's adoptive family was wealthy and able to provide him with advantages in life that Jess was not afforded.

When Jess arrives at The Bienvenue, a stately building with tall iron gates, she is unable to connect with Ben as his phone goes unanswered. When she finally does gain access to the building and inside his apartment, something seems amiss.  Ben is no where to be found, his wallet and keys are in his apartment and, most residents of the building are closed-mouthed when she seeks answers.  She has very few clues to go on and, her leads seem to go nowhere.  

What happened to Ben and why aren't those who know him willing to help her?  

Told through multiple POVs, Ben, Jess, the building Concierge, Sophie, Mimi and Nick. All of the residents of the building were odd and rather creepy.  Jess was a great character who had a hard life and wasn't afraid to take chances in getting to the bottom of what happened to her half-brother Ben. The concierge seemed to be hyper vigilant. The building itself had that secret locked room kind of feel with danger lurking close by.  My biggest complaint about this book was how slow moving the story was. There was an awful lot of filler which did little to propel the story. I eventually switched from the audio book to the eBook as I wasn't a fan of the multiple POVs on audio. I felt more satisfied when the story did begin to get more interesting even though certain parts seemed a bit too convenient.  This isn't a bad book but,  it's just one I won't be raving about.

Rating - 3.5/5 stars


  1. I'm not good with those alternating point of views either.

    1. Sometimes it's okay if the story is good and there are not too many characters.

  2. Thanks for the review, Diane. I'll skip this one. I've spent the past week starting and stopping books. I'm ready for something to take hold!

    1. Time to try "A Town Called Solace" perhaps?? I just started Taste, Stanley Tucci on audio and loving it --except for the rabbit scene:(
      I know you liked that one.

  3. Hi there Diane! I'm trying to think if I've read anything but The Guest List by Lucy Foley. That was really good. I've got my eye on The Paris apartment and will still try to read it some or other time.

    Thanks for your honest review, it always helps a lot!

    Have a good weekend!

    Elza Reads

    1. I still have The Guest List to try. I ended up not finishing The Hunting Party.

  4. I read The Guest List and did a read/listen with The Hunting Party... both 4 stars, but I preferred Hunting Party. Will give this a try at some point and keep expectations in check.

    1. The Hunting Party was a DNF for me on audio and I still have The Guest List to read. I think perhaps this author and I are not a good match.

  5. Vicki, the same thing tends to happen to me after reading a very good book, it is hard to find one that be as satisfying.

  6. I heard others say this one was slow too. Hmm. I have not read Lucy Foley yet ... but perhaps I will pass even though it's in Paris?!

    1. She has not been a good match for me - The Hunting Party was a DNF and The Guest List sounds good, I have it but, have not read it yet.

  7. Oh no. A 3.5? I just chose this book from Book of the Month. I had/have high hopes for it.

    1. You might like it more than me, it just seemed to take forever to start going.

      QUESTION - what do you think of BOTM? Are the hardcovers still inferior quality as they used to be 25 years ago? I was a member several times back then but now just use the library mostly.

  8. I haven't read anything by this author yet but all of her books are on my TBR. Too bad this one was a bit too slow moving. This sounds like one I would enjoy more in audio then in print. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I tried the library audio but, multiple POV on audio are not a good match for me.

  9. Bummer. I was hoping that this would be a good read and I'd even pre-ordered it. Guess I'll read it if the right mood strikes.

    1. You may like it more than I did. I just found it took too long to get going.

  10. Oh, sorry that the book is disappointing. Perhaps I will wait a while...until I am ready for a slow-moving book? Thanks for sharing.

    1. I haven't had much luck with this author - that happens. You may enjoy it Laurel.

  11. I haven't had much luck with her books either. The Hunting Party had too many similar characters and was slow too.

    1. Diana, I think this is true with several who have tried her. Hunting Party was a DNF.

  12. This author is entertaining at best. I do enjoy her books but they aren't "keepers" to me.

    1. I still have The Guest List to read but, The Hunting Party was a DNF.


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