Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Book Review - Taste: My Life Though Food; Stanley Tucci


2021 - Simon & Schuster Audio
(read by author - excellent)

I initially passed on this book when it was first released in the fall of 2021 but, after reading so many rave reviews, I decided to give it a try on audio. 

What a good memoir, Stanley Tucci has had quite a life.  I never realized just how many movies he has been in and how inspired his was by his Italian American heritage to learn to cook the REAL Italian way.  His cookbooks have been loved by many.  There was one chapter where he talks about the perfect martini which I enjoyed - he also talks about other cocktails and fine wines as well. Tucci has had more than his share of challenges in life, his first wife Kate,  died very young of breast cancer leaving him with three young children to raise.  And, more recently (last 5 years) Tucci faced his own private battle with a painful form of mouth cancer at the base of his tongue leaving a man who loved cooking and food so much, unable to eat for a period of time where he required a feeding tube.  Fortunately, he has recovered and he is back to cooking, creating and enjoying life with his second wife Felicity and the couples two young children as well as Tucci's three older children.

This is a very well written memoir.  It had a nice balance about Tucci's personal life, career and plenty of good food as well.  There are wonderful recipes peppered throughout and, Tucci's  down to earth writing style and plenty of humor really made this book even more personal and enjoyable.  There was one graphic scene Tucci recalled from his childhood that could have been toned down or better-yet eliminated IMO, but, despite that I still liked this an awful lot.  Readers will want a print copy for their shelves.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars

(library download)


  1. I still haven't read it, but each new positive review makes me want to--and I'm not a foodie. On the other hand, I've loved books by M.F.K. Fisher and Julia Child. :)

  2. I loved this memoir! Now I have to go back and see what childhood story you might be referring to... :)

  3. I completely agree. His story was fascinating to me. I especially liked reading about the time that Tucci and his family spent in Italy when he was young.

  4. Very nice review. My daughter read it and then watched Big Night which she hadn't seen.

  5. I don't read many biographies but from what I know of Tucci and what you relate about his book, I can see how this one might be a very worthwhile read.

    1. I do love a good memoir and this one really held my interest - so varied as it wasn't just focused on "food" but gave me so much insight into his early life, acting career and personal life crises as well.

  6. We have a TV series just started here of him going around Italy looking at Italian food. I have the first one recorded. If I like it I might be after this book! LOL

  7. I'm not one who is always trying new recipes; these days we tend to eat the same types of meals but, I loved how this memoir gave the reader so much more. He is funny, I hadn't realized all the movies he was in and personal challenges he faced as well.

    1. No, I don't try lots of new recipes either, Diane. (That said, I did yesterday and it was excellent!) But I adore cookery shows and I don't know why. LOL I've now watched two of the Stanley Tucci TV episodes and they're delightful. He's so charming and funny. And all the pasta dishes look 'wonderful'.

  8. I really enjoyed this one. I was thinking of selecting it for my book club and then preparing some of the recipes from the book.

    1. That would be so fun! I loved the audio which was read by the author.

  9. I really don't know much about him but I have really enjoyed every interview that I've seen with him. This definitely sounds like a book I need to pick up!

    1. Oh it was a delight. I think you might like the nice change.

  10. OH ! I'm so glad I saw this review, Diane. I have just discovered his show on CNN, I think. He and Felicity explore the regions of Italy and document the food, the food traditions behind key ingredients, and show the surrounding countryside. It's so wonderful for armchair travellers ! I'm betting his memoir is awesome too ! Thanks for this !

  11. Susan, Believe it or not I thought of you as I listened to this one. Someone like you with a fair for trying new recipes would really like this IMO.

  12. I just loved this on audio - probably my favorite nonfiction last year! I think I know exactly which scene you're talking about. Strangely enough, I could see something like that happening at my grandparent's too... only it might have been a chicken. ;-)

    1. I know you know the scene I had referred to:) My grandfather was Polish and he too had raised chickens and rabbits. He died when I was 12 but, I was old enough to know what happened when some disappeared.

  13. I have enjoyed Tucci's show on Italy & food (I think on CNN). I'm sure he has lots of good stories in his memoir!

    1. I don't watch much television but, I know others have enjoyed his show as well.


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