Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Book Review - The Wife Upstairs; Rachel Hawkins


TITLE/AUTHORThe Wife Upstairs, Rachel Hawkins

PUBLISHER: Macmillan Audio


GENRE: Fiction / Thriller

FORMAT:  audio / LENGTH: 8 hours 39 minutes

SOURCE: Library download

SETTING(s):  Alabama

ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:  A twisted thriller with an ever so slight Jane Eyre familiarity. 

BRIEF REVIEW:  Jane 23,  is new to Birmingham, Alabama and down on her luck. She's had a rough childhood and lives in an unsavory part of town with an annoying roommate.   She's found a job walking dogs in the wealthy neighborhood known as Thornfield Estates and also works in a coffee shop to help pay the rent and, she has clearly run from someone or something.

One day while walking the dogs she is almost run over by the rich, handsome Eddie Rochester, a new widower in the neighborhood -- well sort of.  Eddie is all apologetic, invites her in and before long the two seem to hit it off.  She learns that Eddie's wife Bea and her friend Blanche disappeared after a drunken boat ride at Eddie's lake house.  Blanche's husband seems to be a suspect and, Jane is desperate to learn more about the story and especially about Bea from the chatty women of the neighborhood.   It's rather fast that Jane is engaged to Eddie, moving into his McMansion and planning a wedding.  So what's really going on here?

This is one of those stories that every seems to be talking about. It is a story that quickly sucks you in even though the story itself is far-fetched and has more than its share of unlikeable characters.  When you think you have things figured out something crazy is just around the corner. If you can suspend belief for a bit and if you like stories full of secrets and lies, this one is quite entertaining.  The audio was enjoyable, narrated by: Emily Schaffer, Kirby Heyborne and Lauren Fortgang

RATING: 4/5 stars


  1. Second blog today with this book. Thanks for the review.

  2. I’m still on the fence about attempting this one, Thanks for sharing your thoughts

    1. So many thrillers everywhere these days. I's read the PUSH first if you have trouble deciding.

  3. I keep seeing this book around the blogosphere so it's definitely piqued my curiosity.

  4. This one is definitely generating some buzz, but there have been so many similar books that I'm starting to shy away from them now. Sometimes it seems like variations of a single plot flood the bookstores for a year or two before burning out. Horror books quit "horrifying" me a long time ago. Now certain thriller-themes have lost the thrill. Everything seems to run in cycles...including, I suppose, my reading tastes.

    1. Sam, yes, these thrillers are everywhere. I like them as they draw me in and I tend to hate to put them down. I'm reading too many of them in 2021 already so, I just brought home an assortment of different genres from the library today.

  5. Yes. I agree. It was a little far-fetched here and there and the motives of the characters were questionable but it didn't affect my crazy page turning and my disregard for errands and chores while reading it.

    1. It is a page-turner for sure. I'm going to branch into other fiction as I've been reading too many thrillers.

  6. I've sort of been in a thriller frame of mind lately. Maybe I should add this one to my list.

    1. I've read too many in 2021, I do like them but will try to focus on other genres as well a bit more.

  7. Sounds pretty crazy. Likely a good summer audio!

  8. Another "wife" book title. That annoys me so. However this does sound like a good thriller.

  9. Good description of the book. Even though the characters are unlikable, I was pulled into the book, read it quickly, and enjoyed myself.

    1. Oh yes, it does pull you in and I admit it was fun just so unrealistic.

  10. I haven't heard of this one... not being in the US I assume. It sounds like one of those books that's quite the ride while you'reading it... a few months later you've pretty much forgotten what it's about. LOL

    1. Cath, I know its new in the US for 2021 and it seems to be popping up everywhere.

  11. I've been curious about the book. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about it.

  12. This one sounds like one I would like, even though - like I said earlier - I get irritated when a book has no likable characters.

    1. I know what you mean, I can tolerate an unlikeable character more if the story os terrific.

  13. This has definitely been a buzzy book. Everyone is reading it! Glad that it didn't disappoint and I'm looking forward to it!


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