Monday, March 29, 2021

Book Reviews - Jasmine Green Rescues - Animal Rescue Series Chapter Books by Helen Peters

Children's author Helen Peters has published a lovely collection of (9) chapter books, targeted for the 7 to 9 year old age group (Grades 2-4).  Each book features Jasmine Green a young girl who loves animals. Her mother is a veterinarian and her father is a farmer, so caring for animals have always played a big role in her life.  When she sees an animal in trouble or in need of help she usually knows what she needs to do, often with the help of her best friend Tom.

This is a great collection that teaches young children the importance of caring for other living beings that need help. Each story is different and special. The stories are informative and even a bit sad at times but, they encourage children to extend a love of animals to help those in need. I love that each book promotes and educates about rescue.

This is a series that would make an excellent addition to a school or public library or as a gift for your the animal loving child in your life. Ellie Snowdon does a great job with the black and white illustrations peppered throughout.

If an abandoned orphan goat at the local fair doesn't find a new home what will become of it? Of course the goat that Jasmine has already named Willow wins her heart as well as that of her friend Tom.  What is the duo to do as Jasmine already has rescued several different animals now living on the family farm.  Jasmine and Tom must keep this a secret and don't baby goats need goat's milk? Will Jasmine convince her mother that she's like to drink goat's milk now?

It's school vacation and Jasmine and friend Tom have plans to use an old shed for their Animal Rescue Clubhouse. They frighten a stray black cat that scratches Jasmine but, there is a reason. They stray has kittens to protect.  They leave and when they return the mama cat has moved (2) of the (3) kittens so Jasmine, names the cat Holly and hopes to be able to keep her without checking with her parents first.  This particular story is a bit different and has a side story about Jasmine's friend Tom and what he is experiencing.  I love that this series is not always about things working out exactly as a child hopes they will.  A nice pet rescue story, perfect for Christmas or any time really.

Duck eggs found in the woods and one in particular needs saving after a loose dog stirs up trouble and causes the death of the mother duck.  Caring for hatched  ducklings is hard work but, the survivor Button makes it all worthwhile. 

At Oak Tree Farm a tiny lamb loses its mother and Jasmine sees a call to action.  Not only does the orphan lamb need bottle feeding, it also needs help learning to walk and Jasmine is already caring for several rescues including two baby birds that require quite a bit of care.

While on a house call with her veterinarian mother, Jasmine finds a poor piglet, the runt of the litter, weak and fighting for survival. Surprised that the owner does not seem concerned that the piglet cannot even drink, Jasmine takes action and names it Truffle.  A sweet story with lots of good info on pet care as well.

So far I've read and enjoyed (5) from this series which were sent to me by Candlewick Press in exchange for my unbiased reviews.  I hope to add the other (4) to the collection soon.

These individual books are published in the US and Canada by Walker Books US.

The (9) book boxed set from Nosy Crow LTD in the UK is also available for purchase.


  1. Those all sound really, really fabulous and I love teaching young ones about adoptions and needy critters.

    1. I agree - the earlier children learn to care about animals in need the better, more caring adult they will be.

  2. I know what you mean Vicki. It's so important to instill the importance of kindness and helpfulness at an early age.

  3. The covers are so sweet and inviting!


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