Tuesday, March 16, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted, Suleika Jaouad

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read soon.  

I love a good memoir so I'm hoping this one works for me.

                                                 Between Two Kingdoms, Suleika Jaouad
                                                              Random House - 2021

Part One

The Itch

"IT BEGAN WITH AN ITCH.  Not a metaphorical itch to travel the world or some quarter-life crisis, but a literal, physical itch.  A maddening, claw-at-your-skin, keep-you-up-at-night itch that surfaced during my senior year of college, first at the tops of my feet and then moving up my calves and thighs.  I tried to resist scratching, but the itch was relentless, spreading across the surface of my skin like a thousand invisible mosquito bites.  Without realizing what I was doing, my hand began meandering down my legs, my nails raking my jeans in search of relief, before burrowing under the hem to sink directly into flesh.  I itched during my part-time job at the campus film lab.  I itched under the big wooden desk of my library carrel.  I itched while dancing with friends on the beer-slicked floors of basement taprooms.  I itched while I slept.  A scree of oozing nicks, thick scabs, and fresh scars soon marred my legs as if they had been beaten with rose thistles.  Bloody harbingers of a mounting struggle taking place inside of me."

What do you think, read more or pass?


  1. I'm not sure about that one and it doesn't give me the urge to scratch the itch.

  2. I've seen great praise for this book. I say, definitely keep going!

  3. In the metaphorical sense, I've felt the itch she's describing, so I would definitely keep reading this one. I was lucky enough to get to spend almost a decade living in other countries and wandering around them as much as I could...but I still regularly feel that itch. If you decide to read this one, I'l look forward to your thoughts.

  4. I'm really intrigued and want to know more. Can't wait to see what you think.

  5. Wow! Now I definitely want to read more. I can already feel an itch as I read this! Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  6. The opening paragraph has me very curious--I'd definitely read on.

  7. I have suffered something similar to what is described here, so, yes, I would definitely keep reading hoping that a solution is found to the problem, as one was found for mine. (It turned out to have been triggered by an iron deficiency.)

  8. I'm intrigued and very curious about the itching!

  9. Well, the itching strikes me as a little gross, but I would continue to find out what caused it and what she did.

  10. I would read on... if only to find out what the itching is all about.

  11. Very descriptive opening. I'd be intrigued to read more.

  12. Definitely read on! Adding it to my list. Not because of the physical itching, but because of the implied metaphoric itching.

  13. I'm not sure on this one! I like the description but it makes me want to reach for the calamine lotion and not travel!

  14. The cover and that blurb from Westover piqued my interest- yeah I'd keep reading.


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