Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Book Review - Do No Harm; Christina McDonald


TITLE/AUTHOR  Do No Harm; Christina McDonald



GENRE: Fiction /  Domestic Thriller

FORMAT:  eGalley /LENGTH:  pp 368 pp

SOURCE:  Edelweiss


ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:  A doctor desperate to raise cash uses the opioid crisis to her advantage.

BRIEF REVIEW:  Emma Sweeney is a doctor in Washington state who is grateful for her happy life, even if she still has lots of student loans to pay off.  She has a great husband, Nate is a police detective and an adorable 5 year old son Josh.   So when her young son is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer,  she's determined to do what it takes to cure him.  When they learn that their cost to begin the treatment required for Josh will cost them over $100,000 and, that figure will definitely increase, she sees an opportunity to raise some fast cash.  Emma starts writing forged prescriptions for Oxycontin.  She uses the names of other doctors from the clinic where she works and because of her complicated past, she knows who can help her to set her dangerous plan in motion.

There is a good amount action in this fast paced thriller and, given the moral dilemma the story poses this might make for a good book group discussion choice.  Personally, I had a hard time envisioning the way this story played out.  I understand that desperate people do desperate things but given that her husband Nate's law enforcement job involved investigating overdose deaths just didn't ring true for me.  The idea of jeopardizing everything the meant so much to her made this story feel over the top for me.  

RATING:  2/5 stars


  1. Desperate times call for desperate measures. But yes, this is taking it to extreme. I don't know if I would do the same given the situation. It makes you think, at least.

  2. That doesn't sound overly fun and a bit close to reality.

  3. I have to agree with you...desperate as the situation you describe is, this just seems too farfetched for me to take it very seriously.

  4. Oh dear. A 2. I have heard mixed things about this book, but mostly meh.

  5. It's too bad this one was a disappointment.

  6. Sounds like a bad idea lol even if she is desperate, so yeah. :(

  7. Reminds me of the premise for the TV show Breaking Bad, which was such an excellent show if you've never seen it.


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