Monday, February 11, 2013

Mailbox Monday ~ February 11, 2013

Mailbox Monday is an opportunity to share with other readers the new books that arrived for you during the previous week. February Host: Audra @ Unabridged Chick.

How about you? Any new books?


  1. Enjoy your books, Diane. That cartoon is especially appropriate this week :)

  2. I'm not familiar with your new books, but they do look intriguing. I'm curious about Life Form.

    Enjoy! And thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. The cover of Life Form looks almost zombie-like! Looks like you folks got more snow that we did here in Montreal, Canada.

  4. Two intriguing books, Diana. Will love to hear what you think about them!

  5. Okay, that is the single most perfect image for a February mailbox post! Dreaming of spring, indeed! I haven't heard of either book, but the titles are promising. Hope they turn out to be wonderful.

  6. The covers and titles look interesting!

  7. Your mailbox cartoon made me laugh. This is not a good week to be a mail carrier on the east coast! Interesting sounding titles and both new to me.

  8. Love getting new books. Hope you like these.

  9. I haven't heard of either of these but that woman on Life Form looks scary!

  10. They look interesting, enjoy!

  11. Hi Diane,

    Two really interesting and individual books this week, both of which are new to me.

    I liked the sound of 'Life Form' enough to check it out, although I had to seek out a review which someone had posted, before I was toally sure whether the book was fiction or non-fiction. The premise of this story is so original and different, that I have added it to my wishlist.

    I hope that you enjoy both your new books and have a good week.


  12. Both of these sound really good, and are new to me. I like the cover art for How the Dead Dream, and
    Yvonne's comment makes me want to seek out Life Form as well. Two very intriguing looking books!

  13. That Life Form book sounds pretty intense. I'll be interested to read your review.

  14. Both of your books are new to me. I hope you love them!

  15. Diane, enjoy your new books! I hope the snow gives you more time to read them. :)

  16. Hope you are doing Ok with all the snow in MA!

    Have a good week!

    1. Yes thanks, we are cleared out and should see grass by mid-May:)

  17. Life form is way to interesting to pass up! I'm anticipating your review eagerly!

    I already have a few questions, such as since he's stationed in Iraq what food is MM getting to eat that's making him so fat and when does he find the time to eat it and doesn't he see things that make him want to expel what he's eaten? I imagine he gets harassed for his growing bulk, too. I love that he names his extra self Scheherezade!

  18. Great covers...hope the book is good as well.


    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  19. Totally new to me so I will be tuning in to see what you think!!!

  20. Both look interesting - and have lovely covers.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.