Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday Snapshot - February 2, 2013

Saturday Snapshot

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.  

This was my "Baby" before I had my first "Baby".
1974 - My Brand New VW Beetle


  1. Aww, funny how they haven't changed much over the years.

  2. I had one exactly like that!

  3. Oh, I loved my VW Bugs from back in the day...I had a light blue one in 73...and then a few years later, a navy blue one. And we had the VW bus,

    I loved those cars, but mine were in the shop way too much!


    1. I only kept this one a few years. Even though it was bough new, it was problematic:(

  4. I always wanted one, but couldn't drive a stick shift! (still can't!)

  5. I love them! I learned how to drive a stick on a 74 yellow beetle. My friend just got her driver's license, her parents let us take the car, and she taught me (15 at the time) to drive the stick.

  6. I always wanted a red bug, but never got one. My first husband and I did own a VW Diesel Pickup, though. ;) And Rod has owned a couple in our 25 years of marriage, but none were ever mine. Nothin' like the purr of a VW engine!

  7. Our Bug was grey, but my aunt's was this light blue color... such good memories!

  8. Those cars sold themselves. All the salesmen had to do was ask you which color you wanted. It was a good first car, I guess, but mine was a used big old ugly Pontiac that I called Bertha. At least she was reliable.

  9. I drove my VW Beetle into the ground ... it was my very first car ... what wonderful memories I have of buzzing around campus with my friends!

  10. My first was a red covertible Beetle, used of course.
    My older brother had taught me to drive a stick shift in preparation but I remember every stop on a hill was scary as you-know-what!
    Thanks for bringing back the memories!

  11. I love Beetles, even though I never drove one. What a great souvenir pic.

  12. Oh my gosh it reminds me of my mom! She had one (of the many she owned over the years) the same color and she had to use a screw driver to turn it on. She sold her last one when she had me to get a safer "mom car." My goal in life it to have enough money that I can buy her another one.

  13. A few of my friends had Beetles and I have some fond memories of them!

  14. Oh what a classic. My DH would love it!

  15. Flashback! I hardly see those any more and I remember when they were everywhere. My cousin had one and she used to make me sit in the back seat. Right! lol

  16. I've always wanted a VW bug, but a convertible. I thought it would go well with my profession -- liberal college professor. Here's Mine

  17. Wonderful♫ But I wonder if you still have it, now that would be a feat! Happy week-end♥ My Sat Snap:

  18. I love your baby!!! I always wanted one!!

  19. The volkswagens have changed some since that edition, but not really a lot. My husband had one for his first car apparently.

  20. Great snapshot! I always wanted a "bug". One of my college friends had a cute red one named Betsy.

  21. I too have always wanted one of those babies.

  22. Cool! Wonderful keepsake. I too have memories of a VW Beetle. Got stranded when it broke down in the middle of the road. I was a passenger. ;)

  23. What's a great car! I still think of my first car as my baby.

  24. I always loved these cars! My parents and I used to always play punch bug when we were in the car. There's not too many of them around now - here anyway - but I still think they are so cute.

  25. My parents took me home from the hospital in a red VW bug - and they still talk fondly about that car! Great pic, Diane!

  26. My sister-in-law had a Bug before she had her first baby, too. A few years ago, she bought an old one that she wanted to fix up just like the one she'd had. But she didn't find out how much it would cost to do that until after she bought the car. I think she had the car for about 2 weeks.

  27. My first car was a hand-me-down VW Rabbit from my grandparents. Diesel, though, which made it considerably less cute.

  28. First cars are always special - nothing can compare!

  29. I've always loved Bugs, they are such fun cars!

  30. Love the color too.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  31. A classic!! And they had such a distinctive sound, didn't they?

  32. Love it!! One of my good friends in high school restored Bugs and that's all he drove for many, many years.


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