Saturday, June 28, 2014

What George Washington, Sigmund Freud, Richard Nixon, The Pope, The Queen of England and I Have in Common

Back in June of 2008 when i started blogging about books (yes - it's 6 years for me), I thought blogging would be a short term hobby. I've tried and given up so many hobbies over the years.  Yes, ever since I was a little kid, I was a quitter -- Girl Scouts, student council, jobs and even marriages. When I got bored, I moved on to something else.  I admit, I've gotten better with age.  I think I found books and a second career working in libraries to be a better fit.  I'm guessing that's why I am still blogging after 6 years as well -- I haven't gotten bored of books or all of the wonderful book lovers who stop by now and then to read my posts --- Thank you for humoring me. I also think blogging about books fits my "introverted nature".

Over the years I've had to take a few personality tests for a few managerial positions, and always seemed to get the job I was applying for as a result.  It always surprised me, because I know I can be kind of rigid. But that's good in some jobs right?  I'm not very patient and tend to get annoyed and impatient with indecisive and incompetent people as well (yikes, that sounds bad). Whenever a job left me unchallenged, I looked for something new.  I've had 4 HR jobs in 20 years, and then I changed careers when my children finished school. My second career, in libraries,was a much better fit. Just 2 jobs in (13 years), but I only changed jobs because I moved to another state.

 Do you take much stock in Personality Tests?

Here's what the profile said about me .....ISTJ - (introversion, sensing, thinking, judgment)  - responsible, planner, private, loner tendencies, perfectionist, organized, detail oriented, organized, would rather be friendless than jobless (wouldn't mind being jobless right now), realistic, observer, clean (LOL), focused, does not talk about feelings, finisher, punctual, private, does not appreciate strangeness, not adventurous, not spontaneous, follows the rules, dutiful, (tries to) avoids mistakes, conventional, likes solitude, insensitive to the hardships of others (not really true - just not emotional about it), prepared, anti-tattoos, things and rules are important, cautious, security seeking, prepares for worst case scenarios, logical, analytical, does not accept apologies easily (holds grudges), hard working.

Want to find out what famous people share your personality Traits?
(I hope you'll leave a comment and share your results)

Have a great Sunday - I'm off to a solitary activity -- reading


  1. I am ESTJ - others with the same results are Hillary Clinton, Dr. Phil, Martha Stewart, and, Nancy Grace, Condoleezza Rice. I'm not sure I fit in with them, though! lol

  2. Sounds like our results would be similar!

  3. Hmmmmm, I'm not sure I want to know!

  4. Just as I suspected... same as you ;-)

  5. I've taken the long version of the Briggs test before and remember it to be fairly accurate. It's been a while so I don't remember the result. This one says I'm an ESTJ. Not sure I'm an extrovert but the rest of it fits.

  6. I'm as ISTJ too which isn't a huge shock. I'm only 57% introvert so I do need some social stimulation though lately blogging has been quite enough!

  7. Interesting, but I had a very hard time answering the questions!! :-0

  8. I chuckled at the word 'clean' :<))

  9. I've taken this test a few times over the years. I used to be an introvert, now I'm an extrovert. I can't remember the rest of the letters, but I matched with Bill Clinton. Fun.

  10. Sounds a bit like me! Congrats on blogging for all these years. It's quite addictive, isn't it?

  11. It has been MANY years since I too this test, but I think my results were the same as yours. I'd be interestedto take it now. I think they might be different!


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.