Friday, September 25, 2009

Library Loot - Sept 24

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Eva and Marg that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library.

I still have not stopped going to the library. Here's what someone slipped into my book bag this week:

Amigoland; Oscar Casares

The Lovers; John Connolly

The Magician's Elephant; Kate DiCamillo

No Time To Wave Goodbye; Jacqueline Mitchard


  1. Ooh, good picks! My library loot is The Conquest by Yxta Maya Murray.

  2. I've been seeing The Magician's Elephant all over the blogosphere lately, but my library doesn't have it. :( That cover of The Lovers makes me want to find out what it's about!

  3. I really want to read The Magician's Elephant. Enjoy your books.

  4. Great loot. Magician's Elephant looks good.

  5. I did go to the library this time but my loot was more of the buying kind! They were having a book sale so I couldn't resist some books :)

    Enjoy your loot!


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