Thursday, September 17, 2009

Library Loot - September 17

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Eva and Marg that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library.

I really should STOP going to the library, but old habits die hard!

Amigoland; Oscar Casares


  1. I've heard good things about Amigoland - I'll be looking for your review.

  2. I always find unexpected gems at the library. I just consider it research, not a book addiction or anything like that :)

  3. Diane, I hope you enjoy Amigoland. I really thought it was beautiful.

  4. How bad is this. I am sure I have a book by Valerie Martin, but haven't a clue what it is and haven't the energy to search through my books to find it.

  5. I've been trying really hard to only get audio books when I go to the library because I can "read" those at times I wouldn't otherwise be able to read. But I never seem to be able to walk out without one real book.

  6. Hey, I know how you feel. I have to visibly restrain myself from taking stuff home from work (the library) but it's SO DIFFICULT!!!

  7. Great loot. Look forward to your reviews.

  8. I finally went to the library the other day and got some mysteries.

    I don't think I've heard of any of these but I'm curious about Amigoland. Have fun with your books!

  9. No, no, no, you do not want to stop going to the library! :-)

    I saw that Darling Daughter book in the bookstore the other day and thought it sounded really interesting. I hope you get around to reading it and I'll be curious to know awhat you think about it and if I should add it to my own TBR list.

  10. Amigoland is one that I want to read...looks like the smiley face book is just for you!! LOL!!


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