Tuesday, July 27, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Stranger Behind You; Carol Goodman

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read.  This week I selected a thriller that was released earlier this month.

                                          The Stranger Behind You; Carol Goodman
                                                        William Morrow - July 2021


"I have noticed in my professional capacity that when someone makes a point of saying they're not lying, that usually means they are.

When the realtor brags that she hasn't lied about the view, though, I have to admit that her claim is demonstrably true: the view is spectacular.  Standing at the elegant bay window it's as if I'm perched on a cliff overlooking the river.  There's nothing between me and the Palisades but water and light.  A person who was afraid of heights would be terrified, but heights aren't what I am afraid of."

What do you think - read more of pass? I've read several books by this author so hoping this new one will be a winner. I hope to start it later in the week.


  1. I love the sound of this one. That opening line is so true! In fact, I have never been disappointed by a Goodman novel. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I like this author as well but, I've found some of her books better than others.

  2. Intriguing intro definitely. I wonder what she is frightened of.

    1. Yes, that intro leave me curious, she seems nervous about something.

  3. Ooo, yes. I can picture myself looking out that window. I won a copy of this book from LibraryThing, but it hasn't shown up yet. Off to check on it...

  4. I'll be interested in your review, Diane. It's certainly an inviting opening passage!

  5. Goodman has been hit or miss with me, but this opening catches my attention.

    1. Same here but, for me more hits than misses so I'm hopeful.

  6. I'd read more, but then I'm a fan of Carol Goodman. :)

  7. I'd definitely read more and have a copy of this one on my Kindle - as yet to be started. Will watch for what you think. I've really liked other books by Carol Goodman.

    1. I hoping this will be good Kay - hope you enjoy it as well.

  8. Goodman has written quite a few thrillers, but I've only read one and I think it was her first book (The Lake of Dead Languages). I don't remember too much about it or if I liked it. I may have to give this new one a try, though.

    1. I'm not sure if I read that although the title is familiar. I need to check.

    2. Oops Lake of Dead Languages made my Top 10 of 2002 - probably why it sounds familiar -

  9. That sounds really good, I'd sure read on!

  10. LOL. Love the first line. Keep going!

  11. I'd keep reading. The intro hooked me right away.

  12. It does doesn't it? Will start it in a few days.

  13. I read and enjoyed Lake of Dead Languages by this author in 2003. I would read on.

    1. I can't recall whether I read that on and my tracking of ALL books read began in 2008 really before that it was just my 10 favorites. The title is familiar though. I'm sure if I bought it and began reading it would likely sound familiar LOL

    2. oops, Lake of Dead Languages made my Top 10 list in 2002!

  14. That first sentence of the prologue made me laugh - oh so true! This sounds like a good read! I'd definitely keep reading.


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