Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Week in Review - Reading and New Books

Thank You Deb@ Reader Buzz

It was a pretty good week, with better sleep and less knee pain (the shot is working and the gin soaked raisins still marinating:).  Managed to walk a couple days this week and had lunch with my daughter and granddaughters and we time spent time at another different library this week.  I've been practicing my yoga poses as yoga is resuming in August, 3x a week, after a 17 month COVID closure at the senior center in our town. I am so excited about getting back to that routine and seeing some of my yoga buddies again.

This coming week will be a busy one: I'm meeting a friend that I haven't seen since in 18 months for lunch one day, my book group meets to discuss: Ask Again, Yes; Mary Beth Keane. I read and reviewed it in 2019 and loved this one. Have you read it? I'll be curious to see what the other group members have to say. I also have a hair appointment another day and then we are going out to dinner at the end of the week.


I reviewed (2) books this week (ratings and links below).

2.5/5 stars

4/5 stars

I also finished (2) other books but no reviews yet.


fun and heartwarming - 4/5 stars (no review yet)

I liked this a lot just way too long - 4/5 stars ( no review yet)

                                                           Currently Reading/ Listening

(enjoying this mystery)

(I love Mrs March, she's making me laugh even though she is obviously psychotic)

                                                    (NF - interesting but not for everyone)

New Book Additions

 No Touching; Ketty Rouf

 Where I Left Her; Amber Garza

 The Double Mother; Michel Bussi

Plans for theWeek
  1. catch up on reviews
  2. Blog tour post - Kill Your Darlings; David Bell
  3. new Kids books and reviews
  4. July - month in review post
How was your week?


  1. I'm sure glad your knee is giving you less problems! Happy reading!!!

  2. It's good that get-togethers are resuming! Yoga & book group sound fun. Glad to hear your knee is feeling better.

    1. Thanks Diana. I hope the return of the virus does not make things go backwards.

  3. It is fun to go out and about and see friends we haven't seen in a long time. That is good your knee feels better. I had a painful knee episode at the beginning of June, so I sympathize with knee pain.

    1. It has been good getting out more. Hoping the return of more virus cases among the unvaccinated does not force things to close once again.

  4. Interesting mix of reads. Have a good week.

  5. Sounds like you had a nice week meeting up with your daughter and grand-daughters and visiting a new library (only other readers would understand the joy of that!) Pleased to hear you have less pain in your knees too.

    My week was a little too warm, a heatwave struck but luckily it only lasted four or five days. We had a visit from one of our daughters and seeing the other one and her family for lunch today.

    1. Thanks Cath - your week was too warm and ours was too wet except for a couple of days. We have had 12" of rain in July. How nice that you were able to get together with family.

  6. Mrs March sure does catch my attention as well! Glad your knee is better and that the gin and raisins work.

    Have a good week and take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks so much. The gin soaked raisins are not ready yet - perhaps another 1-2 weeks.

  7. I'm going to check GR for Mrs. March. Hadn't heard of it before but you've got me curious!

    1. I'm about 65% done as I've been listening to 2 other books in between. It's really good and different.

  8. I am so glad that your pain has lifted enough for you to get out a bit this week, Diane. That's the most important thing.

    I am envious of your return to yoga. Of all the things I missed during the pandemic, yoga was one of the most missed. Sadly, our Y may not reopen. It took a hit during the pandemic. A group is working to try to reopen it, but right now it looks shaky.

    The Guncle and Ask Again, Yes are two books I am very interested in reading. I have a copy of Ask Again, Yes. I look forward to seeing what you think.

    1. Deb, I read Ask Agin, Yes in 2019 when it was released - a very good story. Hope the return of the virus-variant does not cause closures agin. I've waited long enough for yoga to return to in-person group format. The Guncle was a fun book as well - quite heartwarming.

  9. Sounds like a happy week ahead for you. Catching up with reviews is a good goal, one that I need to achieve. I am seriously behind with mine.

    1. Reading is so much more fun than reviewing these days - LOL

  10. So glad to hear you are feeling better and with yoga coming I hope that will continue to help with your knee! I bet you are thrilled to go back to yoga and your friends. Very curious about Mrs. March and The Double Mother. Hope you have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks Iliana - looking forward to yoga in-person classes after way too long.

  11. I am still curious about that gin soaked raisins thing! :) And that's great about the lunch!

    Dead By Dawn looks fun!

    1. The gin soaked raisins have been soaking for a week, it will be another 1-2 weeks until their ready according to what I've read - will keep readers posted.

  12. Glad to read that your knees are giving you less pain this week!

    I've heard about Ask Again, Yes but haven't read it yet. Heard a lot of good things about it so maybe I should bump it up.

  13. Mrs. March sounds like a good choice right now--I need a little laughter even if she is psychotic! Glad to hear there is improvement with your knee!

    1. She's a character for sure, I'm about 65% done and really enjoying it.

  14. I'm glad you're having less pain in your knees. My left knee was bothering me the other day, probably because I finally got back on my Peloton. It usually bothers me after the first day or two, but then that ache/stiffness goes away as I continue to ride. I should get back to doing some yoga, but it's not as appealing to do it by myself at home.

    Yes, I listened to Ask Again, Yes and thought it was very, very good. I'll bet you have a good discussion!

    1. They do say keeping the joints moving is the best thing to do Les. I agree there is nothing like yoga in a group. I can't motivate myself in front of the tv. They had outdoor yoga in the park during most of the pandemic -(not Nov-March of course) but, I'm not big on bugs and or wet grass in the am. :)

  15. Sounds like you've had a wonderful week! I used to dread book group meetings when I didn't like the book, so I am pleased that you loved your group's selection. And, back at yoga! Whooopeeee!

    1. I know what you mean - sometimes I didn't even want to go but, generally the majority of the group felt the same way when it was a bad book LOL

  16. What a great week! I'm so glad the shot has helped your knee pain. That will make the return to yoga a lot easier. I loved Ask Again, Yes... it was my favorite novel a couple of years ago. I'm sure you'll have a really good discussion.

    1. That one made my tops in 2019 as well JoAnn. I think most will have enjoyed it.

  17. Diane, glad your knee pain is improving and how fun your list of 'things to do' sounds. I completely understand about yoga. I found that I just did not do as well watching it on the screen. Not sure why that is because it's not like you visit with people during the practice, right? Ha! I've spoken with a yoga studio here in our new town, but haven't tried it yet. Probably in late August or early September. We've got a couple of things planned for August. Have a good week!

    1. Yes, I agree Kay - the screen on tv is not a motivator for yoga and it never has been for any other exercise either. I need group efforts here LOL

  18. Glad the shot is working. I always felt so much better after my cortisone shot in my neck, from when I face planted in a parking lot years ago.

    It will be good for you to get back into your yoga routine. Me? I got a memo from work asking me to return 8/23 but they forgot about my daughter's move and the time off I have. I am not ready to go back. They did offer to talk to me about a hybrid schedule so that's good.

  19. I'm so glad your knees are feeling better though I'm still curious about the raisins! That's great about yoga re-opening! I one of the weird people who actually does better working out from home but I know so many people who were counting down days to the gym opening! Have a great week!

    1. The raisin and gin should be ready in another week or so. Yes looking forward to yoga.

  20. Getting back into the yoga routine will be great. I like yoga here too -- I think I might start back in Sept. Good luck with the knee ... hopefully the shot will give you months of relief. Have fun with the book club discussion ... I always meant to get to the Keane novel ...

    1. I hope it works out well - I figure I'll do what I can can. I can always avoid poses like cat and cow or threading the needle. Keane's novel is worth reading.


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