Sunday, September 12, 2021

Book Review - The Guide; Peter Heller


The Guide; Peter Heller

Random House Audio - 2021 - (6 hours 59 min)

In 2019 I read Peter Heller's book The River which took place in Canada and I really enjoyed it.  This new book, The Guide, has Jack returning to the river but, this time the setting is Colorado. Jack is still dealing with grief: his mother's violent death and a tragedy involving a best friend. He has been hired by The Kingfisher Lodge, as a fishing guide to wealthy clients looking for peace and relaxation and, this may just be the job that helps Jack move beyond his grief. The story takes place in a post-COVID world but where another type of virus is threatening.  The lodge is nestled in a canyon with the most beautiful waters yet the grounds are surrounded by high razor wire fences, locked gates and signs warning trespassers who wander beyond the grounds that they risk getting shot.  What is really going on around the so-called "billionaire's mile?"

Jacks first client is a famous young female singer named Allison seeking the relaxation and someone to bait her fishing line. Although the two get along well Allison comes across as someone who is quite meek and not at all the way you would imagine a famous singer to be.  Shortly after the story begins there is a loud scream during the night and things begin to happen.  Although the setting was nicely described, the storyline itself did not work well for us.  For example, on a few occasions Jack's job is in jeopardy for policy violations yet he never gets fired and still freely snoops around when you would expect that video surveillance would be everywhere. There are also some strange things going on that make the reader realize that something at Kingfisher Lodge and the surrounding property isn't the peaceful place it claims to be.  The story eventually goes to a very dark place which involves young children. The happenings didn't seem at all plausible and the ending seemed unlikely as well.  After enjoying, The River, this follow-up just did not measure up.

I borrowed this audio download from my local library and fortunately is was shorter than most books. Mark Deakins narrated the book and did a decent job but, overall, we found this book very disappointing.

Rating - 2/5 stars


  1. Sad this one wasn't as good as his first book. I always find that disapppointing.

    1. Yes, The River was a winner and I had hoped this would be as well.

  2. Yeah my husband finished this one recently and says it gets crazy at the very end. It's too bad as I liked The River. I might still get to The Guide ... but I'm in no rush.

  3. What a shame as I was thinking it all sounded rather good. It lost me at 'young children' though, I don't have many no-nos but that's one. I might look up The River though.

  4. I remember being riveted by The River. Too bad this was “less than” that. So often an author cannot meet the quality of his writing a second time. I think of that with Erich Segal, whose Love Story I loved in my teens, but nothing else. I was even disappointed in J. D. Salinger as nothing could come up to Catcher In The Rye for me.

    1. What you state is so true. Oftentimes, when I've loved a book by an author, I'm almost hesitant to read their next offering fearing that it just won't measure up. The River was so good and since this one had the same protagonist, I just expected more:( Have a great week.

  5. That's too bad and it's so disappointing when next one bombs!

  6. Peter Heller's name sounds familiar to me but I can't figure out why. Sorry to hear that this one was so disappointing...the name-thing may have tempted me to try it at some point, so that's good to know.

    1. He has written a few other books and the previous one The River was pretty good.

  7. Another virus threatening?! I don't think I'm up for this one then!

  8. It was so far fetched Vicki - don't feel bad for not wanting to read it.

  9. What a disappointment that this wasn't as good as The River. I enjoyed that one, but will take a pass on this new release. My favorite of Heller's is The Dog Stars, which I loved.

    1. I never read Dog Stars but sounds like I should. Skipping The Guide is a good idea IMO.

  10. I have this one too. I wasn't aware The River was before it. Do I need to read The River first?

    1. I would read The River first as it's gives you an idea what happens to the the main character and, it is definitely the better of the 2 books.


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