Tuesday, September 14, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Where I Left Her; Amber Garza


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.

Where I Left Her; Amber Garza

Mira - August - 2021

Friday, 5:00 pm, drop off

Whitney wanted to get rid of her daughter.

How awful is that?

Not forever, of course, but for the night. She was weary of the fifteen-year-old attitude. The rolling of eyes, stomping of feet, the judging glances and biting remarks. 

That's why she wasn't paying as much attention as she should've been when dropping Amelia off at Lauren's.  Her mind was back in their apartment, her butt planted on the couch, bare feet propped on the table, a pint of ice cream in her lap.

"The destination is on your right."

She turned the steering wheel, following the instructions given by the disembodied voice of the GPS in her daughter's phone. Amelia held it up, giving the illusion that her palm was talking

The house in front of them was  nondescript. A tract home, painted beige with dark brown trim, a cream door, two large windows overlooking the narrow walkway. The only thing that set it apart from the others was the row of rose bushes lining the left perimeter of the yard, scarlet red petals and thorny jagged stems.

 What do you think?  I loved this author's previous book, When I Was You so I've really been looking forward to her new one.  It sounds perfect for the RIP Challenge as well.


  1. Hmm that one sounds intense... I'd keep reading but I already have a sense of foreboding. :)

    1. Greg, her previous book was quite addictive so I'm optomistic about this one.

    2. I like the sound of this one. I'll be curious of your thoughts if you do read it, Diane.

  2. Oooooh--definitely my favorite kind of book. Enjoy!

  3. Her previous book was so addictive, you can find my review here if curious. Hoping the new book is as good.

  4. I've already got this one on my list to try. And I agree that it would be a good one for R.I.P. Enjoy!

  5. Ok this sounds good and LOL I kinda understand her feeling !!!!

    Here is my link:

  6. The beginning certainly sets a tone of foreboding.

    1. And, I do remember those teen years with my eye-rolling daughter (heck I did it too), sitting on the sofa alone with a pint of ice cream and no teens does seem hard to resist so, it's hard to fault that mother. LOL

  7. Three wasn't enough to catch my full attention in the intro, but I am somewhat curious.

    1. Yes, it's easy to imagine for me that the mom will regret her inattention.

  8. That opening is certainly intriguing!

  9. Sounds really mysterious. I would definitely keep reading.

  10. This has a very good introduction. I'd keep reading!

  11. Sounds really spooky...for a minute I thought her GPS-directed turn was going to cause some kind of accident where she lost her daughter. Sounds like a whole different story, and one I'd probably keep reading at least for aa while longer.

    1. It is very good so far and I have a theory but, of course, I am probably wrong! LOL

  12. That intro does make it sound perfect for the R.I.P. reading season! I'm intrigued by this one and can't wait to hear what you think.


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