Tuesday, September 7, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Stolen Hours; Allen Eskens

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.  
Stolen Hours; Allen Eskens
Mulholland Books - Sept 7, 2021

Chapter 1

Lila Nash counted her steps as she walked from the kitchen to the bathroom of her apartment. Ten, nine, eight--the numbers falling silently in her head, a remnant from those days when she paced from the corridors of the hospital. Seven, six, five--turn into the bathroom--four, three--close the door--two--turn--face the mirror--one.

Her last step had been little more than a shuffle, but it allowed her to stop on one, which somehow eased the clockwork that ticked inside her chest.

What do you think? read more or pass?   Today is release day for this book.  I've read every book this author has written and this sounds like a good one to me as well.


  1. I'd read more to see what's going on with the counting. I think I know but I'd read on to find out. Good intro.

    1. It's a mystery Brian but she has experienced something traumatic.

  2. A little OCD? Sounds very tempting. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  3. I like how this book starts. Allen Eskens is an author that I've been meaning to try for a long time. Glad to know that you've read all his books. I assume you liked them...

  4. I've never read anything written by this author, but the snippet you shared is telling me I should. Enjoy the read!

    1. Catherine, you should try him, all of his mysteries (not a series) are very good.

  5. It's a good start, but I'd want to know more about the book before I committed to it. :)

  6. I'd read more. The excerpt grabbed my attention right away.

  7. I might pass. I'm afraid it's not a story for me.

  8. I'd definitely read (or listen) to more. I've enjoyed this author's previous books and this sounds intriguing.

  9. I haven't read anything by Elkins, but I've seen his name a lot lately. Would certainly read more!

  10. I would keep trying. I'm intrigued by that first paragraph and this is an author I haven't tried.


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