Monday, October 25, 2021

Book Review - The Family Plot; Megan Collins


The Family Plot; Megan Collins
Atria - August - 2021

After enjoying this author's last book, Behind the Red Door, I was looking forward to her latest release.

The Lighthouse siblings: Dahlia, her twin Andy, Charlie and sister Tate grew up in a secluded island mansion with most unusual parents.  The mother and father were true crime-obsessed and kept a shine of  murder victims. The children were kept isolated and home-schooled and, part of their curriculum was true crime research.  When Andy disappears on the eve of his sixteenth birthday it is suspected that he ran away. Dahlia, his twin is especially affected by the loss of Andy.

Dahila, now 26,  has returned to Blackburn Island following the death of her father and in the process a horrible discovery is made.  In her father's burial plot, Andy's skull has been unearthed, he was killed by an axe to the head.  Who killed Andy and how did he end up buried in the "family plot?"

This was a somewhat gruesome story told from the POV of Dahlia who came across as rather immature for 26. Well, honestly, the whole family is more than a bit strange in the way they have dealt with what has happened. I found it hard to connect with Dahlia and the others.  Actually, everyone in this story seemed a little suspect even though there had been several unsolved murders nearby believed to be the work of a serial killer.  This was a very quick read but,  IMO it was also rather far-fetched as well.

Rating - 3.5/5 stars

Note: I was able to download the eGalley from NetGalley, Edelweiss and Atria at no cost in exchange for my unbiased review.


  1. I don't always mind far-fetched in a book, but usually only when I really like the main characters.

    1. I liked the creepy setting and it did keep me wondering for a while.

  2. Replies
    1. It's a fast read, kept me wondering for a long while but, I didn't connect with the characters

  3. It is a quick read and it held my interest. I just didn't like the characters.

  4. I've read some mixed reviews about this book so I might give it a miss.

  5. I wanted to read this when I first saw it but the more reviews I see the less I want to read it. Such a disappointment as it sounded so hopeful

    1. I think I've read way too many psych thrillers this year - I will read fewer of these in 2022

  6. I liked this one more than you, sounds like. I liked the family weirdness. It kept me guessing a bit too.

    1. You did like it more! I liked Behind the Red Door, her last book, more.

  7. I like the creepy tone of this one but am not sure this is quite for me between the gruesomeness and the general weirdness of the characters. It does sound interesting though so I might try it on audio. I do better with gruesome stuff in audio for some reason!

  8. I'm on the hold list at my new library for his book. I suspect my thoughts will be much like yours when I finally get it to read, but one never knows. I do remember that Ti liked it and see that she shared that above. We shall see....

    1. I liked her previous book Behind the Red Door, a lot more. Not sure if you read that one?

  9. I've been wondering about this one. Sounds pretty interesting so I will have to keep it on my radar.


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