Sunday, October 24, 2021

Book Review - Getaway; Zoje Stage


Getaway; Zoje Stage

                                                             Mulholland Books - August - 2021

This is my second book by author Zoje Stage; in 2018 I read Baby Teeth which was good and offered plenty of things to discuss with fellow readers. You can read my review HERE if interested. 

Getaway takes place in Colorado with (3) - 30-something women. There are sisters Beck and Imogen and Tilda, a close college friend. Beck is a doctor, Imogen is a struggling writer who sufferers from anxiety after a traumatic event and Tilda a former American Idol participant and an influencer. Imogen and Tilda had a falling out and had parted ways but Beck would like to see the friendship mended so the women agree to embark on Grand Canyon backpacking trip.  The sisters are skilled hikers from childhood but Tilda is not.  Pretty early on there is an uncomfortable vibe that something or someone is lurking close by. The women find their campsite ransacked and food missing. Things then get creepier and much worse when a lone male on the run shows up.

This story took a while to hook me. I loved the outdoorsy details which made the locale so vivid at times but, I also had a few scratch my head moments as some of what happens seemed unlikely considering two of the backpackers were experienced.  Despite a few roll-my-eyes moments overall, this was a tension filled thriller once the story finally got going. I think this is one of those thrillers that will have even greater appeal to those who love hiking the more difficult and remote ranges.

Rating - 3.5/5 stars

I received an early eGalley of this book from NetGalley and Mulholland Books in exchange for my unbiased review.


  1. Hmm. It seems you thought some parts were a stretch to believe for the experienced backpackers. I like outdoorsy novels though so will keep this in mind.

    1. You might like this one Susan. I wasn't a fan of Heller's The Guide but I did like The River so sometimes we just need to try different books.

  2. It does sound interesting even though I'm not a mega hiker!

  3. Not a wilderness hiker, but it does sound interesting.

    1. The setting is very good; lots of description on backpacking etc though.

  4. Neither am I Jen - never have been but, I liked the desriptions.

  5. I like that outdoorsy/wilderness survival vibe in a book, so I might try this one.

    1. That part is good but, when characters seem to make such bad decisions -- I get annoyed.

  6. I think this is one that my daughter might enjoy (she's just getting into reading for pleasure!), so I may read it first before I recommend it to her. The setting sounds right up my alley, too. Love the Grand Canyon!

  7. I love reading about wilderness adventures but a big no-no in reality, lol. I might read this book should the mood calls for it.

    1. I have never been a wilderness person or even a camping person but, I do like reading about the adventures of others LOL

  8. I do have this one and I will read it soon. I like outdoorsy type books too and especially ones where something happens while out. This author's first book gave me such anxiety but I liked it.

    1. Baby Teeth was creepy! I didn't read her second book -- Wonderland??

  9. This really seems quite different from Baby Teeth. I liked that one a lot! I will have to check this one out and see what I think.


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