Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Book Review - Lymph & Longevity: The Untapped Secret to Health; Gerald M Lemole M.D.

Lymph & Longevity: The Untapped Secret to Health; Gerald M Lemole M.D.

Simon & Schuster Audio - October - 2021

In just ten short chapters (audiobook is just under 5 hours total) I felt I had a much better understanding of why our lymphatic system is vital in preventing diseases. From such killer diseases like heart issues and cancers to minimizing cognitive decline and inflammation which attacks our body and causing quality of life issues and unnecessary pain.  There are chapters on: heart disease, cancer, GI disorders, weight management, brain & mind conditions and more.  The importance of body/soul/spirit - practicing meditation, the benefits of massages and yoga (covered in some detail). It also discusses why eating right and watching our weight in an effort to move toxins out of our system and stay healthy is so critical. 

Yes, some of these things covered in this book we've learned though other sources but just how crucial a healthy lymphatic system is to a good quality of life and a long healthy life is what is key here.  How we achieve this is critical in healing our imperfect bodies and preventing the more dreaded diseases in the future. 

I was so impressed with this audiobook.  The book is narrated by Fred Sanders who did an amazing job speaking at a pace which was conducive to absorbing all that this book had to offer.; he voice was quite pleasing as well.

The printed version includes some menus, recipes, information on supplements and foods to eat for flow discussed which was a little difficult to fully take in on audio so I hope to also pick up a copy of the print edition as a guide for future reference as well.

Thanks go to Simon & Schuster Audio for providing me access to this audio download in exchange to my unbiased review.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars

About the Author

Gerald Lemole, MD, is a board-certified cardio thoracic surgeon, integrative physician, and a pioneer in the study of lymph. He is a full professor of surgery at Temple University and Thomas Jefferson Medical College. In 1968, Lemole was a member of the surgical team that performed the first successful heart transplant in the United States. He lectures at medical centers and universities around the world and lives in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania.


  1. Sounds like an informative book. I'll look for it!

  2. I was quite impressed Mary; easy to understand and makes sense as well.

  3. I'm always a little hesitant to read books like this one because I usually come away disappointed with myself because I don't manage to retain much of the content, especially in audiobook format. This, though, from what you say sounds like one that might work for me.

    1. I know what you mean Sam, when there is a lot of new info to take in print works better but this narrator was very good in that when listening I was able to take notes (well not while driving:) but from my sofa.

  4. This sounds like an informative read. I've listened to other Fred Sanders narrations and agree he does a great job. I'll look for this.

    1. This was a quick listen but done in a way that you have time for a lot to sink in on audio as well. Fred S was so good.

  5. That sounds like a good one and pretty useful information too!

  6. I hadn't even considered my lymphatic system when trying to stay healthy, so this might be a good read for me.

    1. Cath, we talk about the lymphatic system a lot in yoga but there are certainly other things that can be one to enrich our immune systems - very good book.

  7. I'm interested in this one! Yoga emphasizes the lymph system, and I need to get back into my personal practice anyway, so it would be good to have a better understanding.

    1. Yes, as I mentioned above yoga really helps keep a immune system functioning well.

  8. This sounds like an important book with a lot of very useful information. Thanks for sharing it.

  9. A lot of libraries seem to be doing away with fees for late but not LOST books.


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