Saturday, October 9, 2021

Book Review - On Animals; Susan Orlean

On Animals; Susan Orlean

Avid Reader Press & Simon & Schuster Audio 10/12/2021

 On Animals was an interesting collection of essays written and published by the author over the last 25 years. Each of the essays examines animal-human relationships from the ones we are most familiar with: the animals who become a part or our family to farm animals and exotic animals as well.  Some of the animals featured in the essays were: tigers in New Jersey, lions in Africa, working oxen pairs in Cuba, the use of pack animals in rocky terrain like Afghanistan, show dogs, dog breeders, donkeys, rabbits, pandas, racing pigeons, Keiko, the orca whale featured in Free Willy and more.   

One essay in particular made me sad when the author wrote about the use of animals in the early movies. Animals in movies at that time were considered disposable, especially horses in movies like Ben Hur. It was terrible how cruelly they were treated at that time.

The essays were based on some of the authors previously published articles, observations and travel research over the last 25 years.  The author, at one point, also gave up city life in Manhattan for farm life in upstate New York where she was able to grow her animal passion - when she moved her animals moved as well.

As an animal lover, I found this collection of essays to be informative and fun to read. I enjoyed the writing style as well  I think most animal lovers will enjoy this book which was so full of interesting information. This was a combo read (eGalley) and (audio download) for me.  The audio was read by the author. For some reason the author's tone seemed a bit flat and uneven to me at times so I opted for eGalley as a supplement.

Thanks go to Simon & Schuster Audio, Avid Reader Press and Edelweiss for allowing me early access to this interesting collection.

RATING - 4/5 stars


  1. That does sound like a really good one.

  2. Human relationships with animals can be a broad subject indeed, but it seems that Orlean has chosen to focus her essays more narrowly. Orlean sounds so familiar that I thought I had read one of her books, but looking at the list online, I think I must be confusing her with someone else.

    1. She is quite popular. I thought her NF called The Library Book was very interesting.

  3. As an animal lover, I think I'd enjoy reading this book too.

    1. Harvee, I love all animals as well so I think you would enjoy this. It's nice to read a few at a time and then return to it as well.

  4. Oh, I do love a book of essays and this one sounds really good... and different somehow.

    1. Cath, this was a very nice change of pace book for me. It releases on Tuesday in the US.

  5. Geez, I still have her Rin Tin Tin book sitting on the shelf waiting for me. I've had it for ages.

    1. I've only read The Library Book by her and that was very good. For some reason she chooses to narrate her own audio books and that IS NOT a good thing IMO.

  6. I just heard an interview with this author today on NPR. It was fun to hear her talk about why she wrote the book and what it all meant to her.

    1. She has written a lot of NF. The Library Book was so interesting.

  7. If you decide to try this Vicki - personal preference is a print or Kindle version.

  8. This sounds fascinating though I think I would skip the chapter regarding early movies. I know enough to know I don't want to know anymore.

    1. I know Katherine; any type of animal abuse or neglect so upsets me. I don't care what kind of animal it is either.

  9. I really like the sound of this one! When you mentioned her narration, I went back to check and she narrated The Library Book herself, too. I started that one on audio and never finished. Have been meaning to go back to it in print ever since. I finally picked up a copy at a library book sale last summer. I'll try this one in print, too.

    1. Yes, she's a very good writer but should have someone else read her books. I started The Library Book on audio but switched to print as I did with this one.

  10. I don't read a lot of essays but I think I would really enjoy this one. Did you ever read The Orchid Thief? I never got around to it when it first came out but it's still one of her books I'd like to read.

    1. I never read The Orchid Thief but I know it was quite popular.

  11. I like this author's humor ... and love of animals so I'll likely get to this one!


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