Thursday, October 21, 2021

Book Review - Once There Were Wolves; Charlotte McConaghy


Once There Were Wolves; Charlotte McConaghy
Flatiron Books and Penguin Random House Audio - 2021

After the author's last book, Migrations, made my favorites list last year I knew I wanted to read her latest release.  This one is good but, it's also quite different and a bit disturbing too.

Inti Flynn is a lead biologist working on a project that will reintroduce fourteen gray wolves into a remote part of the Scottish Highlands in an effort to rebuild our ecosystem whose forests are being destroyed by the lumber industry.  The wolves will also help control the deer population in the process.   When Inti arrives her mute twin sister Aggie is with her.  Inti's mission is two-fold: she wants to help the environment and also help her sister Aggie to heal from her past trauma.   Inti is met with resistance from locals, farmers who are concerned about the wolves destroying their sheep and when a farmer is found dead it is likely the blame will be put on the wolves but, not so fast here.  

This is one darker story that has a lot going on in it for a book that isn't all that long (272 pages).  There is the wolves aspect, environmental aspects, the sisters past, a murder mystery and even a romance. I loved the background on the wolves, the deep bond between Inti and the wolves as well as the environmental aspect of the story.  I also liked the flashbacks as to what has happened in the sisters past and the fact that I learned something new: a condition called, "Mirror Touch Synesthesia" it is a condition that enables a person to feel the sensory experiences of others.  It's something that can be both a gift and a curse.  It was first experienced by Inti when was just eight years old when she witnessed her father gutting a rabbit while living in the woods of British Columbia. Thus making sense of the opening sentence of the book:

"When we were eight, Dad cut me open from throat to stomach."

If you are interested in the environment and something quite different, try this one but, beware there are some vivid unpleasant details along the way.  

Both the audio book and print version were borrowed from my public library system.

Rating - 4/5 stars


  1. This is the second time I've read some cautions about this book. It does sound as if there is a lot going on, but despite the cautions it has received positive reviews. It is on my list for several reasons--Scotland, wolves, murder mystery.

    1. Oh yes, lots going on in this book but, it is rather fascinating.

  2. Great review, thanks! I so much loved her previous book, definitely need to read this one

    1. I loved Migrations --much more but, this certainly gave me much to think about and in the end I was happy I read it.

  3. I am not sure this one is for me, but it is a pretty interesting premise.

  4. Like Jen, I'm as fascinated by all the "cautions" from reviewers about this one as I am about the plot...and the plot sounds great. Hoping to find this one soon.

  5. Sometimes I like to read the disturbing, sometimes.

    1. I know exactly what you mean --sometimes yes, other times no - wonder why that is?

  6. I felt much as you did. Although for the most part I enjoyed the book quite a lot, I felt that it went off the rails a bit near the end.

    1. I will read everything she writes after Migrations - so loved that one.

  7. I still need to read Migrations...

    1. I definitely liked Migrations more; neither book is very long.

  8. This sounds fascinating though I'm not sure I could handle the disturbing imagery. It does sound like quite a lot going on but glad you enjoyed it! I'm always amazed when an author writes a book so entirely different from previous books but manages to do both well.

  9. What an interesting premise. Definitely going on my TBR list!

    1. Not sure if you read Migrations --so good. This is very good as well just so different.

  10. Yeah this novel sure has a lot going on in it! I liked aspects of it especially the setting and the wolves. But perhaps too much sister trauma for me. I loved Migrations too.


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