Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Chapter~First Paragraph (s) ~ Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I chose to read based on the opening paragraph (s).  This week's book is being read for The Europa Challenge which I just joined.

"After the van had been loaded and sent on its way I took off all my clothes and kicked the sofa I was about to abandon. Not just a little kick either. I really belted it.
That bloody sofa! Hairy, brownly uncomfortable, smelling of damp: the pile on the armrests was clogged flat, shiny gone, and all I could think to do with myself was kick the settee. I threw my old clothes away as if they were dirty, giggling at the swishing sound my jumper made as it sailed through the room and made the lampshade swing. The air hit my skin and I stretched out my arms. I filled the room: as large and white as the removal van that had just left me. My thighs wobbled, dimpled with fat and puckered with stretch marks, and I saw myself kick again, hopping from one foot to another, breasts bouncing, arms shaking, getting out of breath. "
What do you think of this intro - would you read it ? If you've read this one, what did you think?

Want to join in?  Just grab the image, and share the first paragraph (s) of your current book.


  1. I recently bought this book. There have been such great reviews for this book. I am looking forward to reading it.

  2. Yes, I'd read this as the character sounds so real with her dimpled thighs and wobbling breasts.

  3. The intro definitely pulls me in. I'd love to read it. Can't wait for the review.
    Here's mine:

  4. I am not sure dimpled leg and dimpled fat really grabs me..
    think I might need to know a bit more before I would pick this one up.

  5. The Europa Challenge looks like fun, but I'd need to read a bit more before making a decision.

    My post this week is from the Gap Year:

  6. Based on that paragraph, I would totally read this one. It sounds very interesting.

  7. I don't know where this book is going. Would have to read the book jacket, but with just this little bit, I'm not too sure.

    Still trying to write my book reviews from the last week. I won't be participating this round. Hope to see you again when I get caught up.

  8. I'd need to know a little more befre opting to read this one.

    Sorry, Diane, I'm not joining in this week - I decided it's about time I wrote a full review of a book.

  9. I think from that the book is not for me. Sorry Enjoy though!

  10. It sounds good! Well, not the dimpled legs...those aren't good. Maybe I should say realistic? Interesting?

  11. Not sure about this one, think I may need a little more. "Brownly uncomfortable" feels a bit odd, I associate the colour with all kinds of comfy, cozy, wonderful things - like my daughter's favourite sweater, the colour of coffee, my dogs eyes, my friends skin. I'll look for your review, maybe there is something deeper beneath this image.

  12. I would have to read more to see where the book was going. In fact, I may add it to my "to read" list.

  13. I think I need to know more!!

  14. Not sure if I'd buy it but I am intriguedhere's mine

  15. No, I don't think so. She sounds like she is having a meltdown.I can have those on my own. That sofa sounds horrible though

  16. I would love to know more about this one!

  17. Hmmmm...a very curious opening. She sounds enough like me in some ways to continue on.

  18. I think I woul read this book based on this passage. I would certainly check it out!

    I recently won another of Jenn Ashworth's books, "Cold Light". It sounds very good...quite different than this one.


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