Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday Snapshot

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.

How I spent (3) days at work this past week.

Academic libraries are busy weeding regular books
from their collections and adding eBooks.

These are (3) stacks deep and I'm only showing 
you about 1/2 of this weeks discards.

Kind of Sad, but these just never get use any more.


  1. That is sad. I hope the books find good homes.

  2. It is sad, but non-fiction books esepcially become out of date, at least for certain research purposes. Still...

  3. It's always a little sad to see books as 'discards'.

  4. WOW --- these almost provide a documentary story.

    You were certainly busy this week!

  5. The word "discard" makes me weep!! I worked in the GIFTS department at Michigan State University and the discards went into a huge dumpster behind the library :(

  6. I hate to see books discarded, but it's always inspiring to see stacks of books. Makes my heart sing.

  7. Oh, I am feeling very sad and nostalgic for the "good old days," even though I do enjoy my Kindle!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Diane.

  8. I'm always very sad to see the books noone wants any more. What happens to them?

  9. Will they be put up in a book sale? Perhaps they'll be of use again when they transfer to new owners.

  10. Oh, I wish those books didn't have to find new homes! I hope that they go somewhere good and not into the garbage!

  11. That is so heartbreaking! I have to admit I love my Nook but I sure don't want to see physical books go the way of the dodo. I hope they go to a good home - please don't say they were just thrown out. When our library does purging, the books end up at the biannual sale with proceeds used to buy new materials.

  12. What happens to them from here? My aunt used to work for a book distributing company and I remember she said the covers were ripped and the books were thrown.

  13. That's sad. Hope the books find good new homes!

  14. The word "discard" and "books" should never be used in the same sentence! There must be an artist or someone else who can figure out something creative to do with these books.

  15. I hope those books found someone to love them. When our library has it's big book sale most of the books are discards. It makes me a bit sad, unless of course it is a book I want to purchase. Giving it a good home eases my anxiety!

  16. Wow, that is sad. It's got to be hard for libraries to find a good balance between physical copies and e-books.

  17. Where do your discards go? We have a strict protocol in our school district and I always wonder if they really end up where they say they do, which is Project Literacy Africa. And, do the people in Africa really want our OLD books?

  18. Hopefully someone somewhere can use those books. It's strange to think of libraries getting rid of books!

  19. It is sad to see books labeled as "Discard." Does your library sell them or just throw them out?

    The library at IU holds an annual book sale for old/discarded books. At least that way the books may find a good home....

    Here's mine:

  20. You have been busy - always hard to see books being discarded.

  21. We do have a book sale about every 2 years, but no discards in the sale--just donations. Some of the older professors freaked when they saw our old books there. We have a company that takes them as sells some and recycles the rest. We get very little $$ for that though, but just happy to have someone who wants them.

  22. I never thought about it but I suppose it makes sense that you'd have to weed through from time to time.

  23. A pile of unwanted books is always sad. Hope they find a new home.

  24. That's so bad! :(
    I hope they don't just get thrown away. What a waste that will be!
    Ebooks are very convenient, but can never replace physical books.

  25. I hope these books find a new life, either on a shelf or as part of someone's art project.

  26. Very nice photos. Stacks of books are always appealing to me. ;)

  27. Wow Diane, I understand that you have to weed through old books but it's too bad that they don't sell them at book sales and donate them. It's sad to see old books recyled.

  28. Sort of sad seeing all the discards... hope they find a good home - maybe via book sales?

  29. Please tell me that they'll all find happy homes!

  30. I just got an email today saying ALL Borders are going out of business. I feel so sad about that. I hope libraries aren't dying out, too. :(

  31. Something we've been doing a lot of at my library lately too. Limited space and too many unused (and out of date) books sitting on the shelves. We are still collecting physical books, but not really growing that part of the collection. Definitely adding to ebook collection though since we have a lot of online only students.


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